Welcome To Restaurant City Tips Guides And Hints!

This Page Will Give you Everything You Need To know About Restaurant City This Page Is A Compilation of Sites That Gives Information and Tricks About Restaurant City. Read the Older Posts If You Want To Learn About How TO Make Stairs and MUCH MUCH more!
(I Don't own resaurant city And All of its Contents)


Game Tips And Strategies

Game Tips and Strategies
Restaurant City
  • You earn .01 approval rating points for every happy customer and you lose .01 point for every unhappy customer. Keep an eye on the thought bubbles above your customers heads and you will be able to identify any problems causing you to lose approval rating points. You may need to add more tables, toilets, or staff to solve the problem.
  • It is critical that you organize your restaurant in an efficient manor. Never place tables against walls or edges and make sure there is enough room for customers to get to all of the chairs. (see arranging your tables for maximum profit below)
  • Once you have a large enough restaurant you can design a walkway maze for your customers with wall dividers or several rose trellis compartments. Placing them in a back and forth pattern will keep the customers walking through the line longer which gives the customers seated already time to eat and leave. Customers do not mind walking through the mazes and the longer you can make them the better results you will have. By the time the customers get to the tables they will be empty. If a table is full when a customer arrives to be seated they will leave with a red thumbs down rating and decrease your overall popularity score by .01 points.
  • TIP - If you do not have enough coins to make a walkway maze for your customers use the free trophies you have earned in the game as customers can not walk through them.
  • Rely heavily on your Neighbors to gift you ingredients and items to build your restaurant with and be sure to return the favor.
  • Whenever you get a useful ingredient that you can place on the live feeds be sure to do so as your Neighbors will follow suit.
  • Pinball Machines and Arcade Games are wonderful to have in your restaurants if you have a customer that has to wait for a seat he will play on the machines and stick around a while longer until a seat is available. The machines earn you 1 coin per use and break down after 6 uses and can be repaired by your Janitors if you are away from the game or you can click on the machine to repair it if you are in the game.
  • If you must rest an employee because you are short on coins be sure to rest only a few at a time keeping at least 2 working at all times so you are always earning income.
  • Feeding your employees in the early levels to keep them working will result in faster leveling up.
  • Be sure to send your Neighbors the free food gift daily so they will reciprocate and send to you. This can save you a lot of money in the long run. Sending a personal message with your gift tends to increase the odds that someone will reciprocate the gesture.
  • For More Info Click Here

Design your Restaurant Layout ( For Starters )

Restaurant City
  • You start the game with 3500 coins and will find that you level up through the first 5 levels very fast and each time you level up you are awarded with more coins.
  • Use these coins to buy one additional stove and 2 to 3 tables and chairs.
  • You will need to place these items strategically as your restaurant becomes bigger so that you can serve the optimum number of guests at a time. (See "Most efficient restaurant Layouts" below)
  • You may want to wait on wallpaper and decor items until you have reached level 10.
  • If you see customers with a table or chair thought bubble over their head you should add another table and chair to your restaurant.

Most Efficient Layouts for Restaurants

Restaurant City

Restaurant City

Restaurant City

Restaurant City

Restaurant City
  • There are a few proven strategies for earning a high approval rate and the arrangement of your tables, chairs, stoves and drink dispensers is critical to make this happen.
  • Study the images above to see successful restaurants with high approval ratings and how they have set up their restaurants.
  • Your restaurant will expand over time so you will not be able to do the walkway until you have enough room.
  • Never block your doorway as people will turn around and leave right away.
  • When your restaurant is large enough make a walkway from the door to the tables that will cause your customers to walk in a zig- zag pattern for a few moments using room dividers or any item you can put to block them from moving anywhere you don't want them to walk.
  • Place your tables as shown in the image above placing the stoves and drink dispensers inside. This will cause your waiters to become trapped inside this area and it will limit the number of steps they will need to take to serve customers.
  • Leave one row between the stoves and the table for the waiters to walk on.
  • Place Video Game machines close to the door to keep customers there for a few moments.
  • Click Here For More Info

Pinball and Arcade Machines

Restaurant City
  • You can purchase these machines in the functional section of the shopping menu.
  • These machines are expensive so you want to make sure you are not struggling for funds to keep your employees working.
  • Each machine will keep a customer busy while they are waiting for a table to come open.
  • You will earn 1 coin for each time a customer plays on the machines.
  • After 6 uses the arcade machine will break down and after 10 uses the pinball machine will break down requiring you to wait for one of your Janitors to come fix it.
  • There is no cost to repair the machines you just have to wait until the Janitors can get to it between cleaning things.
  • If you see what appears to be electricity moving through the machine that means it is broken.
  • The more machines you can have in your restaurant the higher the benefit to you especially if you have a large amount of customers.
  • NOTE - If you click on the arcade machine you can play the game yourself. It is a game similar to the old "Centipede" games from the 80's. You are in control of a snake or caterpillar and you control him as he eats using your arrow keys. Each time he eats he gets longer and he can not touch the edges of the screen. It costs 1 coin to play the game.
  • For More Info Click here

Locate the Gourmet King

Restaurant City

Restaurant City

Restaurant City
  • If you see the Gourmet King be sure to click on him for a bonus that you can share with your Neighbors!
  • He is a little white haired bearded man that walks up and down the streets looking at restaurants.
  • You can find him frequently located at the right side of your restaurant on a little picnic mat and sometimes near the garden.
  • He can also be found standing around other people's restaurants and is usually waving and closer to you than the other people walking around the scene.
  • After you click on him you will be given the opportunity to choose a gift from 3 choices. These choices are completely random and could be ingredients, recipes or decorative items for your Restaurant and the items he offers could change at any time.
  • Once you make your choice you have the option of publishing the choice on your live feed for the benefit of your Neighbors.
  • TIP - Whenever you see Orange Juice as one of the choices be sure to choose it and to place it on your live feed as it is a needed ingredient for people to make it to level 10 and this is one of the only ways to get it for free.
  • Ingredients the Gourmet King offers - Strawberry, Ice Cream, Dragon Fruit, Oranges, Chocolate, and Carrots.
  • Dishes offered by the Gourmet King are - Corn on the Cob, and Roast Turkey.
  • Decorative Items currently offered are - Rose Bucket, Red or Purple Heart Balloons, Single Rose, and Gold or Red Hearts (Outside Decor)

Garden - Growing Ingredients

Restaurant City

Restaurant City

Restaurant City
  • Each restaurant has a garden next to it and you are eligible to grow items as you level up in the game one plot at a time.
  • Level 6 opens up the first of 9 plots.
  • Levels 6,13,18, 22, 24,26, 28,30 and 32 unlock a garden plot.
  • To plant a seed click on an empty activated plot.
  • It will cost at least 2000 coins to plant a seed.
  • You can not choose what kind of seed to plant. You pay for it and it is planted for you. You will not find out until the ingredient is harvested.
  • Once you plant a seed you must water it for it to grow to maturity.
  • Each time you click over the plot to water it you add 3 hours of watered time to the plant.
  • You can water the plant a maximum of three clicks or 9 hours.
  • If you do not water the plant it will dry out and stay frozen in whatever state of growth it was in until it is watered again.
  • Plants do not wither or die they just stay suspended until watered.
  • Each plant has 6 stages of growth. You will know it is mature when it gives off a sparkling effect.
  • A seed takes 48 hours to grow to maturity as long as it is watered regularly.
  • Fully grown plants are safe and will not wither or die.
  • To harvest a plant click on it and it will enter into your inventory for use in a recipe.
  • Here are the times for the growth stages of a planted seed:
  • Stage 1 - 48 hours of grow time to go.
  • Stage 2 - 38 hours and 24 Minutes of grow time to go.
  • Stage 3 -28 Hours and 48 Minutes of grow time to go.
  • Stage 4 - 19 Hours and 12 Minutes of grow time to go.
  • Stage 5 - 9 Hours and 36 Minutes of grow time to go.
  • Stage 6 - Fully Grown and ready for Harvesting.
  • NOTE - To see what each plant looks like as it is growing in the garden there is an excellent post at the Playfish Forums with all of this information shown here -http://forum.playfish.com/showthread.php?t=1180505
  • Click Here For More Info

Finding Coins - Trees and Gardens

Restaurant City
  • If you scroll through the area outside of a restaurant you will see 2 types of trees. If you click on these trees you may see coins coming out. This is a great way to earn extra coins.
  • If you click on your Neighbor's planted garden you can water the plants for them and may at times earn a few coins for doing so. This is random and a great way to earn extra coin
  • Click Here For More Info

Gourmet Points earned for leveling up a single menu item

Restaurant City

Restaurant City
  • As stated earlier you can level up any item on the menu from level 1 to 10.
  • When you learn a new dish and when you level up a particular menu item you will earn Gourmet Points. (GP) The amount of GP increases as your level increases.
  • Here is the breakdown of Gourmet Points earned:
  • Learn - Advance to level 1 - 25 GP.
  • Level 2 - 50 GP
  • Level 3 - 100 GP
  • Level 4 - 200 GP
  • Level 5 - 300 GP
  • Level 6 - 400 GP
  • Level 7 - 500 GP
  • Level 8 - 600 GP
  • Level 9 - 700 GP
Level 10 - 800 GP

Gourmet Points/Cash your dish will Earn Per Level when served.

Restaurant City

Restaurant City
Level 1
  • Value -1 Gourmet Point, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title- Simple
  • Plate - Cracked with grayish color.

Level 2
  • Value - 1.2 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Standard
  • Plate - Off White, No Cracks.

Level 3
  • Value - 1.4 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Classic
  • Plate - White Plate with blue and pink polka dots.

Level 4
  • Value - 1.6 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Tasty
  • Plate - White with green trim around edges.

Level 5
  • Value - 1.8 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Delicious
  • Plate - White with blue ring and blue trim on edges

Level 6
  • Value - 2.0 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Luxurious
  • Plate - White with black ring and black trim on edges.

Level 7
  • Value - 2.2 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Gourmet
  • Plate - White with a single gray ring near edge.

Level 8
  • Value - 2.4 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Sensational
  • Plate - White with a single gold ring near edge.

Level 9
  • Value - 2.6 Gourmet Points, 2 Gold Coins.
  • Title - Ultimate
  • Plate - The outer edge of the plate is trimmed in gray.

Level 10

9 Strategies For Becoming Successful In Restaurant City

1 - Get 2 cooks and 1 waitres for your restaurant. it's great to have for a beginning restaurant.

2 - Focus on 1 recipe every course. If you apply this, you'll be rewarded for many gourmet points because when you do this you are leveling faster.

3 - Level your dishes up very quickly. This will result in a lot of gourmet points.

4 - Always try to gain new friends & neigbours. You can use them alter on in the to expand, or make your restaurant bigger and more famous.

5 - Visit new friends and their restaurants to gain new recipes.

6 - Trade ingredients with other restaurant owners. This is important because you'll be saving some cash & coins.

7 - Keep your Restaurant City application opened all the time. it's great to earn some auto-pilot cash.

8 - Don't waste coins & cash by buying the wrong items. There are many items in this game that you don't need. Watch it carefully and closely.

9 - Keep the tables in your restaurant near to your kitchen and your stove. When you are doing this, your waiters will be able to serve food faster.

4 Simple and Basic Strategies For Becoming Wealthy In Restaurant City

Strategy Guide For Making Coins & Cash

You always have to focus on making coins & cash in Restaurant City. If you do not, then you can't become successful, this is how easy it is in this game. However, there are lots of strategies for making coins & cash in this game. Here are 4.

Always leave your application opened When you do this, you'll be making coins & cash without doing anything. But, you got to keep an eye on your restaurant sometimes.

Always keep adding new friends & neighbours. This is important because when you get a new friend or a new neighbour and you are visiting his / her restaurant, you'll get a new recipe.

Avoid wasting money on decors. Always spend your coins & cash on chairs, stoves and tables first.

Click on trees and collect trash This one is important because this is the easy coins & cash in Restaurant City. Although, this is a slow way but it works!

Recommended layouts in Restaurant City

Facebook has gained its cult following just like other social networking sites. But what makes it a notch higher is with the inclusion of games courtesy of Playfish.com. One addictive game is Restaurant City , a simulation game wherein you build your own restaurant, cook and maintain your restaurant. Think of Diner Dash meets The Sims. I know I’m quite a late-bloomer in joining the RC-bandwagon but I’m definitely catching up. Let me show you my Deliciosa Restaurant below, there’s still nothing much on it since I don’t have enough Restaurant City coins to buy fancy decorations, tables and chairs.
Recommended layouts in Restaurant City
my restaurant layout in Restaurant City
I recently browsed the Restaurant City forum and I learned a lot from tips of other players. I envy their restaurants, they must have spent some serious playing time to get to that level. I saw some recommended restaurant layouts, too! Layout of the restaurant is important in maximizing the number of people that can be served in a little amount of movement from the waiters and and in minimal time. With the help of some suggested layouts, I rearranged my restaurant’s layout above.
Here are suggested layouts from IHUP UHOP for 2 cooks-1 waiter, 3 cooks-1 waiter and 3-cooks-2 waiters:
Recommended layouts in Restaurant City
Restaurant City Layouts
And suggested layouts for 4 cooks-2 waiters and 5 cooks-2 waiters:
Recommended layouts in Restaurant City
Restaurant City layouts
If you have 8 staffs, it is a full staff and an island layout is recommended. For more info, go to the Restaurant City forum.
**Restaurant City layout source

Updated 19 April 2010

How can you have stairs or a waterfall in your restaurant? Both follow the same principle based on an optical illusion, which can be achieved by following these indications.*
1. Enter the "Redecorate" mode (by clicking on the icon displaying the hammer symbol)
2. Place the floor tiles following this order:*
-Dark Green: These are the hedges or the dividing walls. In this case they are hedges.
-Light Green: These are the lighter coloured tiles, in this case grass-green colour.
-Coffee: These are the dark tiles, in this case earth-brown.
3. Place the hedges or dividing walls.*
4.Place the dark tiles, in this case earth-brown.*
5. Place the lighter coloured tiles, in this case grass-green.*
6. And you have achieved the "stairs" effect, to have the waterfall follow the same procedure but with water-like tiles. Alternatively you can use white curtains.*


Make sure to check out 
~*Guide to Placing Floating Doors/Walls/Drapes*~
 to learn how to use doors, curtains, and wall decor to your advantage to make lower levels seem more convincing!

A few examples: 
Stream waterfall (by Ophelia)

Examples of depth and lower levels
Originally Posted by willyrc View Post
Originally Posted by jasclo View Post
Originally Posted by junweiRC View Post
Waterfall Effect
Originally Posted by ser-zexit View Post
Check out ~*Stacking Simplified*~ to learn how to stack items like in the restaurant above!

Last but not least, go to the Gallery to see many more excellent examples of restaurants that use optical illusions.FOR MORE INFO ON HOW TO DO THIS LAYOUTS AND OTHER STUFF GOTO PLAYFISH FORUMS BY CLICKING HERE.